Tuesday, May 27, 2014

10 Lessons for Girls Self-Defense

10 Lessons for Girls
Here is a very intelligent resource for teaching/opening up a dialogue with young girls about Self-Defense.  
This piece was created by one of my teachers & mentors Master Teacher Tom Callos.
Click this Link to be taken to the 10 Lessons  http://10lessons.tumblr.com 
Over the years at TheDOJO we have been teaching Intelligent Curriculum such as this piece.  From time to time I like to re-send these powerful messages out to everyone as a reminder these resources are available.  You may find more topics on our website under the Everything Self Defense tab atwww.TheDOJO.org
"In the following 10 lessons, I will touch upon these primary topics:" -Tom Callos
  1. Attitude
  2. Exercise
  3. Diet
  4. Self-Image (and the media)
  5. Relationships, Dating, and Boys
  6. Dangerous and Emergency Situations
  7. Alcohol and Drugs
  8. Environmental Self-Defense
  9. Education
  10. Sexism / Discrimination
Master Teacher Tom Callos may be reached at TomCallos@Gmail.com

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