Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Paul Tough: Our Children Need More Adversity

The ideas presented in this book about teaching children's about Grit, Focus, Discipline, Self-Control, Perseverance etc is everything our martial arts education teaches at TheDOJO.

Paul Tough: Our Children Need More Adversity

The ideas presented in this book about teaching children's about Grit, Focus, Discipline, Self-Control, Perseverance etc is everything our martial arts education teaches at TheDOJO.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Youngsters Earn Next Rank Belts in Rutherford NJ TheDOJO

Youngsters earn next rank belts in Rutherford
Youngsters earn next rank belts in Rutherford
TheDOJO, in Rutherford, continues to unleash human potential as evidenced in the recent children’s martial arts program belt test in which 25 4- to 6-year-olds were awarded their next rank belts. As part of their belt test training, the students were taught a robust, interactive curriculum covering topics such as fire safety and prevention and personal hygiene self-defense. But passing the belt test also requires some very impressive and measurable physical achievements: In the last eight weeks, the 4- to 6-year-olds each did more than 150 pushups and sit-ups. They also mastered self-defense techniques in the context of lessons concerning bullies and stranger danger. They learned how to punch, block and kick in order to protect themselves and in order to strengthen their bodies and their minds. Accordingly, they also learned about health and proper nutrition. Most of the youngest students also participated in an annual food drive which was completed in August. At TheDOJO, martial arts education is comprised of an intelligent curriculum specializing in wellness of the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Pictured: TheDOJO’s children’s martial arts Program (4- to 6-year-old) belt awardees celebrating their achievements with Sensei Dan Rominski and members of TheDOJO’s Leadership Team.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

TheDOJO's 5th Annual Halloween Candy Collection for Operation Jersey Cares

Halloween Candy Drive 2014 Sweet Salute
Veteran’s Day Sweet Salute! TheDOJO’s 5th Annual Candy Collection 
for Operation Jersey Cares
TheDOJO is proud of the efforts of all of its students in recognition of its 5th Annual Halloween Candy Drive to support Operation Jersey Cares (www.operationjerseycares.org).  In honor of Veterans Day, students were asked to bring in their excess Halloween candy to donate to our armed forces.  TheDOJO’s Sweet Salute was conceived of and spearheaded by Maria Scala, one of its students, working on her Project-Based Leadership Training through TheDOJO’s intelligent curriculum.  
The candy provides a little sweetness to those men and women far from home serving their country overseas.  It also serves as a way for our soldiers to share something special with the children they encounter for whom candy is a true luxury.  The candy donated filled 16 shopping bags weighing in at approximately 330 pounds!  Marine Sergeants Domenick Monaco and Mario Monaco were on hand to thank students in person on Thursday, November 13th.  TheDOJO’s Sweet Salute is but one way that its martial artists take their training out of TheDOJO and into the world. 
To learn more about TheDOJO’s program, please contact Jennifer Gallo, Executive Director, 201-933-3050/ jennifer@TheDOJO.org, or visit us at www.TheDOJO.org.