Good & Bad Habits...which one can you live with it?
Good Habits are hard to make but easy to live with.
Bad Habits are easy to make but hard to live with.
Think of all the bad habits that are easy to make: snacking on junk food, living a couch potato life style, accepting a low standard of performance. It is so easy to slip into routines that bring us feeling down in the dumps. These bad habits are hard to live with for people who have self-awareness. They realize that they can simply do better & have the self-respect to want to do better.
Good habits are easy to live with because they are congruent with our conscience & when we listen to & follow our conscience we can "live with ourselves". We are able to "live with ourselves" with a sense of inner-peace rather than inner-conflict, because we are in harmony with what we know is right. There is not a lack of knowledge in the world. Everybody knows what to do, we need to do what we already know. This is easy to say but hard to do, why? We get out of something what we put into it. To get out greater & better things we have to first put in greater & better efforts, but that's hard so most people don't do it. As a parent & educator I always welcome any teachable moment when our children or a student wants to give up & we simple say "keep trying".
Where to start?
It takes a habit to replace a habit. Replace the bad ones with good ones. It's simple, do what you know you should do, when you should do, it whether you feel like it or not. This is called self-discipline & what better habit to start with than that?
Sensei Dan Rominski