Tuesday, May 27, 2014

10 Lessons for Girls Self-Defense

10 Lessons for Girls
Here is a very intelligent resource for teaching/opening up a dialogue with young girls about Self-Defense.  
This piece was created by one of my teachers & mentors Master Teacher Tom Callos.
Click this Link to be taken to the 10 Lessons  http://10lessons.tumblr.com 
Over the years at TheDOJO we have been teaching Intelligent Curriculum such as this piece.  From time to time I like to re-send these powerful messages out to everyone as a reminder these resources are available.  You may find more topics on our website under the Everything Self Defense tab atwww.TheDOJO.org
"In the following 10 lessons, I will touch upon these primary topics:" -Tom Callos
  1. Attitude
  2. Exercise
  3. Diet
  4. Self-Image (and the media)
  5. Relationships, Dating, and Boys
  6. Dangerous and Emergency Situations
  7. Alcohol and Drugs
  8. Environmental Self-Defense
  9. Education
  10. Sexism / Discrimination
Master Teacher Tom Callos may be reached at TomCallos@Gmail.com

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Type 2 Diabetes 
Awareness & Prevention
One in three children will develop Type 2 diabetes so it just makes sense to discuss the awareness & prevention of this disease. This is a unique component of our modern day self-defense lessons for children, teens & adults. Through education we create awareness & through action we create a means for the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes.  We discuss, educate & inspire a lifestyle of Healthy Eating & Regular Exercise.  This is yet another component of Intelligent Curriculum in our Martial Arts Education taught by Sensei Dan Rominski at TheDOJO.
Did You Know?
Type 2 diabetes is on the rise. By the year 2050, one in three people will have diabetes. Children from certain racial and ethnic groups are at higher risk, including African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American children.  If you have a family member with Diabetes you are more at risk in developing the disease.
What is Diabetes?
In type 1 diabetes, the body can no longer make any insulin. Insulin is a hormone your body needs to use glucose. Glucose is a sugar your body uses to give you energy. People with type 1 diabetes inject insulin every day in order to live. At this time, type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.
In type 2 diabetes, the body makes insulin. But, it may not make enough, the insulin it makes may not work well, or both.
Type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed for many years
Preventing Diabetes in Teens
Risk for Diabetes goes up if you have a family history or if you are overweight.
Age is also a risk factor for diabetes as a person’s risk increases after age 45.
However, the number of teens diagnosed with pre-diabetes and diabetes is growing.  For this age group, being overweight is their number one risk factor.  Risk for diabetes goes up if you have a family history or if you are overweight.
Preventing Type Two Diabetes In Children
Children and teens may be able to prevent diabetes or delay its onset for many years. Small changes can make a big difference. Even a small amount of weight loss can help prevent or delay diabetes.
Losing weight is hard, especially if you’re trying to do it by yourself.  Get the whole family involved.  After all, a healthy diet for preventing diabetes is a healthy diet for everyone.
Lose Weight By Eating Healthy
Here are some healthy eating tips the whole family can try.
Drink water — Limit sugar-sweetened drinks including, sodas, juices, sports drinks, and coffee drinks. These drinks add calories with little or no nutritional value.
Eat more fruits and vegetables — If fresh is not available, try frozen or canned fruits (in natural juice, not syrup) and vegetables. They’re more affordable, easy to cook and they don’t go bad!
Make healthy snack foods easy to find in the kitchen — Place grapes, carrots or plain popcorn on the counter.
Limit fast food — When you do choose fast food, make healthier choices:
Choose salads with dressing on the side
Choose foods that are grilled or broiled
Choose to eliminate Soda
Hold the mayo
Choose baked chips, salad or apples slices instead of french fries.
Order the kid-size meal
Learn how to Create Your Plate — Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables. For the remaining side, fill half with a lean protein, and the remaining quarter with carbs or starches, like brown rice or whole grain pasta.

Lose Weight By Getting Active
Limit sitting in front of a screen time to no more than 2 hours a day — This includes TV, computer, phone and video games.
Get moving — Children and teens should get 60 minutes a day of exercise most days of the week. Here are ways your family can be more physically active:
Walk, bike, or scooter to school. Try a “walking school bus” or supervised bike rides.
Attend Martial Arts lessons with a qualified instructor
Turn up the music and dance
Walk outside, in a mall, at a park, or in a museum
Join your local YMCA
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Get off the bus a stop early and walk
Park at the far end of the lot
Walk around while talking on the phone or watching TV
Set Goals — Challenge your child, and yourself by setting small goals. Reward your successes with non-food items. (Ex. Having a sleepover, renting a movie, going shopping)
Warning Signs?
Children and teens with type 2 diabetes often feel no symptoms at all. However, be aware of some common symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Increased thirst
Frequent or nighttime urination
Blurry vision
Unusual fatigue
If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, contact a health care provider.
What is the A1C Test?
The A1c test is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood glucose, also called blood sugar, over the past 3 months. The A1C test is sometimes called the hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, or glycohemoglobin test. The A1C test is the primary test used for diabetes management and diabetes research.  Individuals with diabetes and those at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes can have a regular A1c test, also known as HbA1c, performed by their doctor.
Learn more about how our Intelligent Curriculum with Sensei Dan Rominski at TheDOJO
Visit our Website www.TheDOJO.org  Email us at SenseiDan@TheDOJO.org or call us at TheDOJO (201) 933-3050 from 3 pm to 8 pm EST.  

Article contents from www.Diabetes.org & www.DefeatDiabetes.org

Friday, May 16, 2014

Teaching Children Safety

Teaching Safety to Children


The 5 Questions of How to Make a Good Decision
Making a good decision is Self-Defense.  Did you know that accidents are the number one cause of death among children?  Did you know that children who take swimming lessons are actually more prone to drowning due to overconfidence in their ability?  Children are impulsive so what if as parents & educators we taught them to “Think before they act”?  Teaching children HOW to slow down, think before they act & listen to their conscience makes sense to stay safe.  This is another component of Intelligent Curriculum in our Martial Arts Education taught by Sensei Dan Rominski at TheDOJO.  Also, these 5 questions work well for teenagers & adults.

1.  What Would My Parent’s Say?
Think before you act!  Making a good decision is about thinking before you act.  This usually results in a safer outcome.  Not thinking before you act is called being “Impulsive”.  Being impulsive can lead to something bad, dangerous or foolish to happen.  One is to be mindful the other is to be mindless.  Before doing something ask yourself, “What would my parent’s say if I…?”  Consider what your parent’s would say & then make a “good” decision.

2.  What Would My Teacher Say?
“It takes a village to raise a child”,  Parents & teachers are like the tribal elders of a village who have lot’s of life experience.  This means that when we listen to them & their wise advice we don’t have to re-invent the wheel. We can however learn from their past mistakes & successes.  Before doing something ask yourself, “What would my teacher say if I…?”  Consider what your teacher would say & then make a “good” decision.

3.  Could I Hurt Someone?
It’s easy to think only about ourselves, but that is a little selfish.  When we think of others we expand our awareness beyond ourselves & consider how our decisions may affect other people.  What we choose to do has a good or bad consequence.  Before doing something ask yourself, “Could I hurt someone if I…?”  Consider how your choices & actions could result in something good or something bad for others & then make a “good” decision.

4.  Could I Hurt Myself?
Look before you leap!  This idea can prevent something bad or dangerous from happening.  Think before you act & ask yourself, “Could I hurt myself if I…?”  Consider the answer & then make a “good” decision.

5.  Should I Do It?
The question of questions!  Ultimately ask yourself, “Should I do it?”Consider if your actions will be morally correct & how they affect the rights of other people.
After considering your answers of these five questions to Think Before You Act & Make a Good Decision go ahead & decide.  Think wisely…use your common sense & good sound judgement.  Trust yourself that if you thought deeply about it chances are you’ll come up
with the right answer.

Parents could give examples of something bad or something good, these questions actually apply either way.  Teach the child to go through all five questions for each scenario.  Be patient & let them come up with the answer, allow them to learn to listen to their own gut feeling or conscience.
Some ideas might be…

Bad Things
“What would your parents say if you climbed up that couch?”
“What would your teacher say if you cut in line while waiting your turn?”
“Could you hurt someone if you played rough?”

Good Things
“What would your parents say if you cleaned your room?”
“What would your Teacher or coach say if you ate all these vegetables?”
“Could you hurt someone if you share?”